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Home > Mall > blanket


Price $13.51
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Style and object - warmer effect better, but warm and beautiful. We are introducing our new buffalo checked blanket with thick yarn lock stitch. Is it wrong to call it a sexy Fleece blanket? Of course we don't think so. EKTOS is a leader in wool warmth, quality and value.

Suitable for indoor or outdoor use - Our woolen blankets are woven with loom, durable design and are finished on all sides. They also get the job done in the wilderness, adventure car or master bedroom. We try to make these blankets as soft, scratch-free and odor-free as possible (but hey - they're still made of wool - see the "Help Info" section below for comfort tips)

Breathable Warm and comfortable - Tired of the hot sticky (or cold wet) feeling that comes with synthetic insulators? Wool has an almost magical ability to keep you warm, provide airflow, absorb moisture and expel sweat, and regulate temperature -- keeping you dry and comfortable while you sleep -- and is a great choice.

Natural Benefits - Sheep wool is a time-tested insulator that provides warmth even when wet. It is also resistant to static electricity, pollution and fire. We keep it clean by not adding flame retardants or insecticide chemicals. Choosing blankets made from natural, sustainable and renewable resources is the best choice for you and our planet

Washable Fleece - EKTOS Fleece blanket is easy to care for (see below for detailed care and washing recommendations). They are washed three times during production, making them softer, more odor-free and less prone to shedding or shrinking - so they are ready to use as soon as they are received.